Blogging isn’t rocket science but it is vitally important to any growing business. I’ve done the research and seen the results myself, blogging is the most evergreen and full-proof way to support your business and marketing strategy. But let me guess what questions are rolling in your head just at the thought of blogging, “What could I write about?” “Is anyone even going to read this?” or the worst “ I have nothing of value to say, so why put in the energy?” And while I completely feel you and where you are at the most important thing is to just start. Start blogging, creating content, and thinking about what your ideal clients would want to learn from you. It may be overwhelming at first but once you get into a routine and make a habit out of writing weekly or even monthly, you will start to see improvement. And if my words aren’t enough here are some of the tangible reasons why you need to start blogging today!


Increases Your Online Visibility

One of the main reasons to start blogging is to increase your online visibility and SEO. When you create high-quality, valuable, and on-brand content, you can improve your search engine rankings, making it easier for potential customers to find you. The way to get seen is to offer as much content as you possibly can for Google to see and share with those searching for exactly what you offer. Search engines love fresh and unique content. They want to share what you write, unlike other marketing platforms that may feel stifling due to algorithms. By updating your blog regularly, you can give search engines more reasons to crawl your website, index your content, and rank it higher in search results.


Establishes You as an Expert in Your Industry

Blogging puts you in a position of teaching and authority within your industry. Having that platform is a powerful tool for growing community and connections. By sharing your knowledge and expertise through blog posts, you'll gain the trust of your audience and position yourself as a thought leader. In an age where everyone is searching online one of the greatest ways to build trust is through sharing our unique knowledge and showing up consistently. Over time people will start to trust you and look to you for advice. This can lead to opportunities to teach in your community, speak amongst other industry leaders, or simply connect you with clients who want to learn more from those they hire.


You are in Control

One of the biggest downfalls of online marketing is when we rely on platforms we can never be in control over. We often pour out our best ideas, artwork, and wisdom into social media posts that could be taken away, hacked, or deleted at any time. Blogging is a powerful way to take ownership of the content you create. By blogging consistently and directing everyone to your own website, you are gaining the full benefit of organic traffic and direct connections to potential clients. Each blog can then be used to create countless social media posts while always centering you and your website home as the owner and source of valuable content.


Connect with Real Clients

Blogging really can generate leads and sales for your business. When we create content that addresses the real pain points of our potential clients and offers powerful solutions we are building trust and attracting ideal client leads. Topics for new parents engaged couples, expecting families, or those planning to a hire your service (just to name a few) we are specifically addressing our leads and building connections to make sales. Once potential customers are on your website learning, you can offer them value through your products or services, ultimately leading to conversions. Blogging is also an amazing relationship builder and community cultivator. Using your blogs to answer questions, source helpful tools and support, or simply offer them advice they need you will build loyal sutomers who will want to be apart of your community.


Builds your Email List

Blogs are a great way to funnel readers into your email community. If you don’t have an email list started today is a great day to start one. As another form of evergreen marketing, email goes hand and hand with blogging. Each time you create a blog you can send that out to your email list of readers who already trust you and want to learn more. It’s a great way to stay on the mind of loyal customers and warm potential customers. Even if you only email a few times a year this is one of the tried and true ways to establish a community around your work and purpose. I love using FloDesk for it’s incredibly beautiful and user-friendly designs! If you want to try it out, enjoy a 30 day free trial and 50% off your first year through this link!

I hope this blog inspires you to get started on your blog! There is just no better way to generate a reason for people to come and stay on your website home than through sharing high-quality content on your blog.

Web Designer, Social Media Expert, Birth Keeper, Boy Mom, and probably the only birth nerd who won’t stop pushing for blogging! But seriously I believe in it!


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Hanna Hill

Award-winning Durham, England, UK Birth and Family Photographer capturing lifestyle images of parenthood and documentary birth photojournalism.

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